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Sunday, December 12, 2010


Lol.Long time didn't update this blog kinda miss it :/.Well lets get on to the topic..........Well two days ago my and my family the Keng and Lim went to a big private mansion which has a pool table and all sorts of stuff,it has 12 rooms,4 storeys and a beautiful scenery..Well its night now bye peeps.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Updating blog again...

Bored!!Since I got a GF already i should spent time with her..so no time to update my blog hehe and now i,m back going to make some things change no more playboy anymore i,ll get stuck on 14!!Well thats all ppl.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Exam For Chong Hwa

I,m gonna have anEXAMfor tomorow....it might be hard but I,ll try my best people wish me good luck!! :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Same Nothing exciting happened.....days are getting boring.....well juz hopes sumthing exciting comes Up :) bye people...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Long Time No See :)

Waoh long time since I update this blog,nothing actually too say today juz wanna sy HI everyone!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well love is not an option..don't fall in love what can you have with it...so what you get the boy/girl then what happens you live happily ever after???i don't guarantee you can even stay long one year....i,m a playboy for so long i know how it feels.....

Monday, August 30, 2010

Satu Malaysia!

we celebrated Merdeka today it was kinda fun....but we weren't down for the whole time at first I and my frens went helping teacher and then we got stuck we can't go down teacher will scold so one my fren go down and kena scold..and then we went down too :)..but then when we went down we sat at back of the class well i thought we were sitting the wrong lane cause Rachel was in front of us..but then me and my fren's had a great time..:)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

About my love

~I saw u i like the way u are
~i get to know
~next thing care about you
~buy stuff for you
~make sure u fall for me
~and then make you have a great time
~finally,i break ur heart :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I,m going to Terregganu tomorrow......but i know its good but i,m sad i miss the chance talking to someone talk i can hardly talk to her in real life.....so i will wait for her to get on facebook and chat...but i don't think i can do that in teregganu awww.....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No More Heroes

When the waves are crashing down.....

Pulling you to sorrow....

I will sail you back to shore...

When there are no more heroes...

The Dog...

Well i secretly keep a dog at my grammas house somewhere but today my mum found out...she told me not to go find her again i was sad...i told the dog to come back the next day but the day after that she was no where to be seen i was very sad i shouted Wolfy!Wolfy!Wolfy!Wolfy!Wolfy!but she was no where to be seen that the end of my dog.....T.T

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Day

Well you might think I have been doing the same thing everyday...well no I have something different everyday..well today Jing Hui go create some damn group....well i guess tomorrow I have a lot of things need to talk about larh..maybe Adrian or someone will come get me...since i can't go on Facebook i just have to see what will happen tomorrow.....well I hope the day passes quickly....T.T

Monday, August 23, 2010


Well everybody hopes they can get 7a's..even though its hard but I juz hope i get 5a's its enough..my father would get me anything if ihave 5a's..if don't get it..well he's gonna do something bad:(.....but i hope everybody gets 7a's good luck people!

My Life...

I live my life...

Sure somebad things happen.....

and good things too....:)

well these things happen even there are no more heroes...

well i know living a playboy life isn't so bad...

but i,m trying to change it...

I will find my love...

My New Blog!

This is my new blog kinda happy with it...got some help from tiffany lim shu hui(my couz)just can't get Mixpod...not really hard create playlist edi but can't get it to the Mixpod thingy..so getting more help improving No More Heroes.....